

PHP library for Two Factor Authentication (TFA / 2FA)

View the Project on GitHub RobThree/TwoFactorAuth

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In order to use this provider, you will need to install the library at version 3 and its dependencies

composer require endroid/qr-code ^3.0

You will also need the PHP gd extension installing.

Optional Configuration

Argument Default value
$bgcolor 'ffffff'
$color '000000'
$margin 0
$errorcorrectionlevel 'H'

If you make use of EndroidQrCodeWithLogoProvider then you have access to the setLogo function on the provider so you may add a logo to the centre of your QR code.

use RobThree\Auth\Providers\Qr\EndroidQrCodeWithLogoProvider;

$qrCodeProvider = new EndroidQrCodeWithLogoProvider();


You can see how to also set the size of the logo in the source code.